ARMY TM 10-1670-281-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-32-2
On one end of the webbing length, aline the mark made in (c), above, with the inside edge of
the adjacent original stitch formation and secure the webbing end by stitching a 1 -inch long
single-X-box- stitch formation with two double ends (figure 2-134). Stitching will be made using
a heavy-duty sewing machine with size E nylon thread, 5 to 8 stitches per inch.
(f )
Position and secure the opposite webbing end using the procedures in (e), above. Insure that
3/4 inch of slack remains in the length of the loop between each of the webbing end stitch
Figure 2-134. Suspension Line Retaining Strap Loop Replacement Details .
(2) Suspension line retaining strap.
Remove a damaged retaining strap by cutting the strap material at a point adjacent to each of
the end stitch formations and also cuffing the three stitch formations securing the strap length
to the stowage flap.
At the locking stow flap fold line, cut a suitable amount of stitching between the locking stow
loop webbing and the remaining retaining strap end to expose the edge of the original retaining
strap end.
Cut a 32 3/4-inch length of 1 -inch wide, type XVII nylon webbing and sear the ends.
Place the webbing length in the original retaining strap location with the ends extending over
the remaining original strap ends. One webbing end will be located on top of the stowage flap
edge binding and alined with the flap outer edge.