TM 10-1670-287-23&P
0013 00
00013 00-2
Inspect reserve parachute deployment bag, bridle, pilot parachute,
and safety stow loop for damage.
Remove reserve parachute ripcord handle and clean both the
ripcord handle and ripcord handle pocket. Re-install reserve
parachute ripcord handle.
A rigger supervisor other than the packer during the applicable packing process shall conduct the pack-in-
process inspection. This inspection is required to ensure that only authorized packing procedures are
used. The prescribed intervals to conduct the pack-in-process inspection are as follows:
1. Proper Layout
a. Proper installation and serviceability of AR2 power cable
b. Line Check
c. Canopy flaking completed
2. Slider Up
a. Canopy S-folding complete
b. Deployment brakes set and tacked
c. Tail folding complete
d. Slider pulled up and positioned
3. Canopy Folding Complete Nose Fold
4. Suspension Lines Stowed
a. Locking stows complete
b. Suspension lines stowed
5. Bridle Needle Fold Completed
6. Container Side Flaps Closed
a. Bottom
b. Right
c. Left
7. Packing Completed
a. Ripcord routed through static line pull ring and guide ring
b. Top flap closed
c. All Packing aids removed
8. Automatic Opening Device Installed
a. Slack checker test complete (AR2)
b. Stroke simulator test complete (AR2)
c. Log record book filled out