TM 10-1670-287-23&P
0011 00
0011 00-8
8. The rigger shall record satisfactory completion of inspection with the slack checker in the main
parachute log record book (DA Form 3912). The slack checker test will be annotated in the JUMP,
INSPECTION AND REPACK DATA section, in the area marked BAG NUMBER as follows: SC Test
An in-storage inspection is a physical check conducted on a random sample of air delivery equipment that
is located in storage. The purpose of the inspection is to ensure that the equipment is ready for issue,
that the item is properly identified and segregated from other types of equipment, that no damage or
deterioration of equipment has been incurred, and that all modifications or similar action requirements
have been completed.
The inspection shall also concern the methods and procedures applied to the storage of air delivery
items, the adequacy of storage facilities, efforts of pest and rodent control, and protection against
unfavorable climatic conditions. Air delivery equipment that is in storage will be inspected at least
semiannually and at more frequent intervals if prescribed by the local parachute maintenance officer. The
frequency of inspection may vary according to the type of storage facilities and local climatic conditions.
Only parachute rigger personnel designated by the local parachute maintenance officer will conduct in-
storage inspections.
Air delivery equipment may be rendered unserviceable by either normal fair wear or by aging, and will be
subsequently be repaired, modified, or condemned, as appropriate. Equipment that is uneconomically
repairable (outdated) will be condemned. Disposition of air delivery equipment that is condemned,
unserviceable, or for which the serviceability is questionable, will be accomplished using the following
procedures, as applicable:
1. Item requiring repair or modification. An air delivery item that requires repair or modification will
be tagged in accordance with DA PAM 738-751. Subsequent work on the item will be performed
at the maintenance level specified for the maintenance function in the applicable supporting
technical publication.
2. Parachutes with exhausted age or service life. Any parachute component or air delivery
equipment whose age or service life has expired as specified in TB 43-0002-43 will be removed
from service, condemned and tagged as prescribed by DA PAM 738-751.
3. Disposition of condemned air deliver equipment. Condemned equipment, other than fatality
parachutes, will be removed from service and disposed of in accordance with current directives
listed in this WP.
4. Rejected equipment. Equipment which, prior to use, is deemed unserviceable for use will be
reported in an EIR in accordance with DA PAM 738-750, as authorized by AR 750-1. Each
applicable item that is defective will be held and safeguarded pending receipt of disposition
instructions from the National Maintenance Point (NMP). In all instances, EIR exhibit material will
be handled as prescribed in DA PAM 738-750. If the quality or the serviceability of an item is
questionable, clarification and assistance may be obtained by contacting Commander, US Army
Soldier and Biological Chemical Command, ATTN: AMSSB-RIM-E (N), Kansas Street, Natick,
MA 01760-5052.