TM 10-1670-287-23&P
0014 00
0014 00-41
8. Place withdrawal hook in withdrawal hook retainer.
9. Tighten knurled locking nut finger tight.
10. Activate the FF-2.
11. If the FF-2 fails to pull the ripcord pin, remove and inspect the length of the main closing loop and the
entire FF-2 power cable assembly IAW TM 10-1670-300-20&P. Check to ensure the cable assembly
is mounted properly to the base plate.
12. If unserviceable, replace with new items from stock, then repeat TEST procedures detailed above.
13. If the system fails a second time, it must be tagged and removed from service IAW WP 0011 00.
It is not necessary to start the pack process over again if the same
initial packer is conducting the FF-2 test. If a different Parachute
Rigger has taken over any of the tasks associated with the FF-2
test, then a complete re-pack of the main parachute is required.
Re-closing the container after the ripcord pin test does not constitute
a repack toward the normal repack cycle (120-days).
Power Cable
Withdrawal Hook