TM 10-1670-287-23&P
0014 00
0014 00-36
12. Secure ripcord handle by hand to prevent ripcord pin withdrawal when weight is applied.
13. A 20-pound weight attached to the center of the ripcord grip (care shall be exercised not to impose an
impact load) shall readily withdraw ripcord grip from pocket.
14. When ripcord grip has been removed from pocket, carefully remove the 20-pound weight.
The following ripcord pull test and the stroke simulator test are
performed on all MC-4 systems each time the main parachute is
initially placed in service and when the main closing loop is
15. Attach a 27-pound weight to ripcord grip. Slowly remove your hand. The weight shall readily activate
the parachute by withdrawing the ripcord pin from locking loop.
It is not necessary to start the pack process over again if the same
initial packer is conducting the Ripcord Pull Tests. If a different
Parachute Rigger has taken over any of the tasks associated with
the Ripcord Pull Tests, then a complete re-pack of the main
parachute is required.
Re-closing the container after the ripcord pull test does not
constitute a repack toward the normal repack cycle (120-days).