TM 10-1670-287-23&P
0048 00
0048 00-4
(6) Any canopy which has a span differential that falls below the corresponding lower limit or
exceeds the upper limit should be deemed unacceptable and will be immediately and
permanently removed from service.
This canopy scoring technique is intended to determine
airworthiness/non-airworthiness of RAPPS canopies. In general,
this technique will alert the unit level rigger to the existence of traits
that have been observed in non-airworthy canopies. Armed with
this information, the rigger can decide to closely monitor the
performance of such canopies or remove them from service
altogether. This will reduce the number of reserve activations
necessitated by failure of the main to inflate.
d. Procedure number 4. Rating the Canopys Airworthiness:
(1) Conduct the following scoring procedure to obtain an overall rating for the canopys
airworthiness. This scoring procedure is intended only for canopies that successfully met the
criteria in procedures a. through c., above.
The average top surface nose permeability is:
a. 12.0 cfm or greater
0 points (Not Airworthy)
b. 10.0 cfm to 11.99 cfm
1 point
c. 8.0 cfm to 9.99 cfm
2 points
d. 0.0 cfm to 7.99 cfm
3 points
Top/bottom surface span differential is within the
Desired Range? (procedure #3)
3 points
For each cell, the top surface span is within
theDesired Range? (procedure #2)
½ point/cell
For each end cell, the top surface span is within
the Desired Range? (procedure #2)
½ point/end cell
Average top surface cell span is within the
Desired Range? (procedure #2)
1 point
Total the number of points, which the canopy has received. Locate the canopys score on
the appropriate canopy-scoring chart (Figs. 2,3) to determine its degree of airworthiness.