TM 10-1670-292-23&P 0012 00
0012 00-10
b. The parachute mending cloth patch. A second method of applying a basic patch is by use of 36-
inch-wide adhesive, nylon, parachute mending cloth. Patch limitations as outlined in paragraph 1.,
above, shall be adhered to. Apply a parachute mending cloth patch as follows:
Age life for the nylon parachute mending cloth, prior to application, is
three years from the date of the adhesive coating, which is marked
on each roll of mending cloth. Use no more than two mending cloth
patches on a canopy section.
(1) Lay out the canopy with the damaged area exposed.
(2) To facilitate the application of the mending cloth patch, place a ½- by 20- by 20-inch smooth
wooden board or similar smooth, hard-finished, rigid material (except paper board) under the
damaged area.
(3) Trim the ragged, frayed, or severely burned areas of the canopy cloth to provide a smooth
area for patch application.
(4) Using an authorized marking aid of contrasting color, mark a square, triangle, or rectangle, as
applicable, around the damaged area.
(5) Measure and cut lengths of the mending cloth to achieve the shape and size of the intended
patch. Cut the patch to provide an overlap of the damaged area using the specifications in
table 3. Round-off the corners of the patch. Patches will be prepared in duplicate to allow for
application on the inside and outside of the canopy.