TM 10-1670-292-23&P 0030 00
0030 00-10
Beginning at the center of one end, bind the replacement pad with the length of tape cut in step d.,
above. Sew the tape to the pad with two rows of stitching, using OD, size E, nylon thread, and 7 to
11 stitches per inch. Sew one row 1/8-inch in from the outer edge of the pad, and one row 3/32-
inches in from the inside edge of the tape. The running end of the tape will overlap approximately
g. Tack the replacement pad to the snap pad in two places, with two turns of doubled and waxed,
tape, lacing and tying. Secure the ties on the inside of the pad with a surgeons knot and a locking
knot. Trim the lacing to 1-inch.