TM 10-1670-292-23&P 0003 00
0003 00-3
Parachute Log Record. The Army Parachute Log Record, DA Form 3912, AFTO 391, and
NAVWPNCEN or NAWCWPNS CL 13512/11 (Premeditated Parachute Record) are history-type
maintenance documents that accompany the parachute canopy and pack tray assemblies through the
period of service of the individual assembly. The log record provides a means of recording maintenance
actions performed on a parachute canopy assembly. Normally, a log record is initiated and attached to a
pack tray upon receipt by a using unit. However, if the item is subjected to alteration or modification by a
maintenance activity during the interim period from date of manufacture to receipt by a using unit, the log
record will be prepared by the activity performing the maintenance function. Once initiated, a log record
will be attached to, and contained in, an affixed parachute log record/ inspection data pocket, until such
time as the parachute canopy assembly is destroyed or rendered unfit for further use or repair.
Additionally, should an item that requires a log record, be transferred from one unit to another, the log
record for the parachute assembly will accompany the item in the transfer action. A prepared log record
will not be removed or separated from a parachute, and especially a packed parachute, except as directed
by the local air delivery equipment maintenance activity officer.
A log record that is illegible, lost, damaged, soiled, or precludes further entries due to lack of space, will be
replaced upon the next repack or inspection, as applicable, with a serviceable item from stock.
Installing Attaching Tie.
Install attaching tie as follows:
1. Cut a 30-inch length of tape, lacing and tying (super tack), and double the lacing length.
2. Pass the looped end, of the doubled lacing length, around the centerfold of the log record and form a
slip loop on the outside, at the log record top.