ARMY TM 10-1670-294-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-33-2
2-16. Packing the 35-Foot Cargo Parachute (cont).
Cut a 12 inch length of type III nylon cord.
Pass one end of the cord length through the canopy bridle loop and center the cord In the bridle
Pass a running end of the cord over the top of the two deployment bag bridle straps and pass
the opposite running end under the bridle straps
Secure the cord running ends together above the bag bridle straps with a surgeon's knot and a
ocking knot Make an overhand knot In each running end (figure 2-15)
Figure 2-15. Attaching Deployment Bag to Bridle Loop.
j. Folding the Gores.
Apply tension to the canopy assembly.
Insert line 25 into suspension line separator.
Pick up right group of suspension lines and flip right group of gores over left group of gores
(figure 2-16)