TM 10-1670-296-20&P 0003 00
0003 00-2
Changes will sometimes evolve for the original design and occasionally contractors are authorized
deviations of material and construction techniques. Airdrop equipment that has been in the field cannot
be expected to meet exact manufacturing specifications, however, the equipment should closely reflect
desired design characteristics.
Since repairs, modifications, and/or changes can alter or detract from the original configuration, such
equipment shall be air worthy, safe, and adequate for its intended use.
Unpacking. Each component of the LVADS Ancillary Equipment is separately packaged. Use care
when unpacking equipment to avoid damage. Save all containers, shipping cartons, and crates for reuse
when possible.
Checking Unpacked Equipment
1. Inspect the equipment for damage incurred during shipping. If the equipment has been damaged,
report damage on an SF 364, Report of Discrepancy. USAF personnel use SF 364 IAW T.O. 00-
35D-54, USAF (Deficiency Reporting and Investigating System) and AFI 21-115 (Deficiencies Across
Component Lines) Chapter 5.
2. Check the equipment against the packing slip to see if the shipment is complete. Report all
discrepancies in accordance with the instructions of DA PAM 738-750 or DA PAM 738-751, as
applicable. USAF personnel use SF 364 IAW T.O. 00-35D-54, USAF (Deficiency Reporting and
Investigating System) and AFI 21-115 (Deficiencies Across Component Lines) Chapter 5.
3. Note damage on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, and initiate
corrective maintenance procedures in accordance with Section VI of this chapter. USAF personnel
use DD Form 2332 (Material Deficiency Exhibit).
Processing Unpacked Equipment
1. Only a qualified parachute rigger shall accomplish the processing of unpacking airdrop equipment.
2. Check DA PAM 25-30 for Maintenance Work Orders (MWO) applicable to your equipment. If any
MWOs are listed, check DA Form 2408-5, Equipment Modification Record, to see if MWOs have
been applied to the equipment. The MWO number will be shown near the equipment nomenclature
label. If a current MWO is listed in DA PAM 25-30, but there is no evidence that it has been applied
to the equipment you are processing, note the discrepancy on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection
and Maintenance Worksheet.
3. Inspect the items as outlined in WPs 0005 00 and 0006 00, PMCS, and WP 0007 00, INSPECTION.
4. Clean and dry the LVADS Ancillary Equipment according to WP 0008 00. A compressed air hose
may be used to remove foreign material from inaccessible locations.
Parachute Log Record. The Army Parachute Log Record, DA Form 3912, is a history-type
maintenance document, which accompanies the item through the period of service of the individual
assembly. The log record provides a means of recording maintenance actions performed on the item.
Normally, a log record is initiated and attached to the item upon receipt by a using unit. However, if the
item is subjected to alteration or modification by a maintenance activity during the interim period from
date of manufacture to receipt by a using unit, the log record will be prepared by the activity performing
the maintenance function.