TM 10-1670-299-20&P
TO 14D1-2-470-2
NAVAIR 13-1-41
Splicing of the lowering line is not authorized. Serious equipment damage may occur due to
failure of a spliced lowering line.
d. Repair lowering line (2) by restitching. Use size 3 thread, 5 to 8 stitches per inch and an HD sewing machine.
Lock stitching at least 1/2 inch. To replace quick ejector snap, carefully cut and remove stitching that holds hardware to
lowering line. Place new ejector snap between buffer and lowering line and stitch using size 3 thread, 5 to 8 stitches per
inch and a type HD sewing machine.
a. Lowering Line Pocket. Replace a damaged lowering line pocket, and hook and pile retainer as follows:
(1) Cut stitching (1) and remove damaged pocket (2) from pack.
(2) Fabricate a new lowering line pocket as described in Appendix E.
(3) Position replacement pocket assembly as in original and stitch to pack 1/8 inch from pocket edge (3)
using size 3 thread, 5 to 8 stitches per inch and a type HD sewing machine.