TM 10-1670-299-20&P
TO 14D1-2-470-2
NAVAIR 13-1-41
(6) Quick-Fit Adapter Chape, Side and Aft Securing Adapters. Replace damaged webbing or adapter as
(a) Remove adapter by cutting webbing as close to stitching as possible (1) and discard.
(b) Cut a 3 3/4 inch buffer of Type VIII nylon webbing and fold so ends are offset 1/2 inch (2).
(c) Cut a 7 1/2 inch adapter chape of Type VIII nylon webbing and sear ends. Fold webbing 1/2 and 3
3/4 inches from one end.
(d) Place buffer and chape on serviceable adapter (3) and position replacement on top of original.
Sew with a 3-inch 4-point WW stitch formation using size 3 thread 5 to 8 stitches per inch and a type HD sewing