TM 10-1670-299-20&P
TO 14D1-2-470-2
NAVAIR 13-1-41
b. Repair of Binding Tape. Overlap the binding tape, extending the new tape at least 1 inch beyond the damaged
tape. Stitch tape with two rows of stitching 1/8 and 1/4 inches from edge of tape as in original construction using size FF
thread, 7 to 9 stitches per inch and a type HD sewing machine.
c. Repairing Webbing. The webbing on the pack may be restitched. Restitch loose, broken, or defective stitching
according to original construction details and as outlined in the appropriate repair procedures.
a. Replacing Webbing. All webbing items may be replaced. Replacement will be accomplished in accordance with
the original construction and as prescribed herein. Sear all cut ends of webbing before assembling webbing on pack.
Splicing of the lowering line and attaching web is not authorized. Darning of the attaching web
is not authorized.
(1) Lowering line. Replace lowering line as described in paragraph 2-17.
(2) Ring Strap Assembly, O-Ring, and O-Ring Chape.
Some packs may be equipped with O-Rings in lieu of D-Rings. Replace D-Rings if damaged, with
O Rings.
(a) O-Ring and O-Ring Chape.
1 Cut stitching from Type III nylon retaining strap, (1) and remove strap. Replace with a 6 inch length of
Type III nylon webbing if damaged. Sew box x stitching using size 5 thread, 5 to 7 stitches per inch and a type HD
sewing machine.
2 Cut stitching from Type III nylon webbing which secures the O-Ring (2) to the chape (3). Replace
damaged webbing with a 5 1/2 inch length of Type III nylon webbing. Sew as in 1 above. Replace D-Ring with a
serviceable O-Ring of the same type.