TM 10-1670-299-20&P
TO 14D1-2-470-2
NAVAIR 13-1-41
oils and filings by brushing and dipping in tetrachloroethylene. When the tetrachloroethylene has dried, spray the metal
item with a dry film lubricant and allow to air dry for 24 hours and put hardware back into service. Shield adjacent fabric
material when spraying dry film lubricant to prevent saturation. Small amounts of lubricant will not damage fabric, but
may cause discoloration and make fabric appear soiled.
(4) Drying. Airdrop equipment that is wet or damp will be suspended or elevated in a well ventilated room or
in a heated drying room. Item drying time may be reduced through the use of electric circulating fans. When heat is
used, temperature will not be in excess of 160 F with preferred temperature at 140 F until the item is dry. Fabric or
wooden items will not be dried in direct sunlight or by laying an item out on the ground, except in an emergency.
(5) Airing. Under certain conditions, parachutes and other airdrop equipment will be aired to prevent
discoloration, mildew, and deterioration. Where dampness and mildew are prevalent, airdrop equipment will be aired at
frequent intervals according to the severity of the prevailing conditions. Parachutes that have been previously packed or
are unpacked, which have been subjected to conditions of dampness or mildew, will be aired for a period of at least 6
hours prior to being repacked. Airdrop items may be aired either indoors or outdoors in dry weather. However, fabric
items will not be aired in direct sunlight. Airing may be accomplished by suspending or elevating the applicable item(s) in
a manner which would allow entire exposure to the circulation of air. Outside facilities used for the shakeout of
parachutes may be used for the airing of airdrop equipment if weather conditions permit. If the shakeout facilities are
inadequate for airing, the applicable item(s) may be suspended or elevated at several points or by draping over suitable
frame that would not inflict damage.
2-28. LONG TERM STORAGE AND SHIPMENT. When preparing ancillary equipment for long term storage or
shipment, it must be packed to the standards of the original packing. This is generally not accomplished by the using unit
unless all original packing was retained during original unpacking and is in serviceable condition.
a. Packaqinq. Package items for storage and shipment in accordance with AR 700-15.
b. Packing. Pack ancillary equipment for storage and shipment in accordance with TM 38-230-1.