Operating Procedures - Continued
Operation of ARABS in Delayed Opening Mode. The FF-2 free fall kit
can he installed on either a packed or unpacked parachute. The ARABS
with the free fall kit installed is hooked up in the aircraft the same as if for
standard static line operations, except that the master-tie arming lanyard
is removed, as the FF-2s will activate the master-tie cutters at the
preselected altitude. Tile need for a dual FF-2 system is to provide
redundancy for extra insurance against loss of mission equipment due to
FF-2 failure. The free fill kit facilitate, placement of the FF-2s on opposite
sides and at different heights on the AGU/parachute assembly, which
provides the needed differential for correct functioning of at least one FF
2. The load is released from the aircraft in an identical manner to that of
static line operations. Release point computation should take into account
the drift in free fall of the system. Free fall drift is relatively close to that of
a parachutist. Altitude setting of the FF-2 should be approximately 1000
feet higher than the desired pack opening altitude, to account for the
various delays of the deployment system. The FF-2 should never be set
lower than 5000 feet AGL. It is recommended that hl>th FF-2s be set to
the same altitude.