Operating Procedures - Continued
Air-to-Air Control of System - Continued
When the ARABS system is at approximately 300 feet
AGL, depress the 0% Braking Mode switch, to allow it to
increase its airspeed. Insure that the system stays facing
into the wind. At 50-75 feet AGL, initiate a flared landing
by either depressing both external control switches, or by
pressing either the 10095 Braking Mode switch or the
'Flare Enable" then the "Flare" switch on the T/C front
panel. The External Control Switches are a better choice
if you have plenty of altitude left yourself, to observe the
ARABS systems final approach, and release the
switches in case the canopy begins to flare too high.
The100% braking mode switch or the flare switch are the
best choices if you are at a lower altitude. And must
divert your attention to landing your own canopy. The
major disadvantage to using the Flare