TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0002 00
Pack Tray Assembly. The pack tray assembly (20 x 14 x 14 inches) (Figure 2) is constructed of duck
textured nylon fabric, and consists of the following:
Pack closing flaps (four) (figure 2, item 1): right and left side flaps, and upper and lower end flaps
with reinforced pack closing grommets (four) sewn into pack closing flaps.
Static line stow bars (inner and outer) (figure 2, item 2 and item 3).
Static line slack retainer loop with retainer (figure 2, item 4).
Waistband adjuster panel (figure 2, item 5).
Metal adjuster (figure 2, item 6).
Waistband (43 inches long) (figure 2, item 7).
Pack closing loop (figure 2, item 8) (Spectra loop with nylon retaining tab used to align grommets in
pack closing flaps and is held in place by curved pack closing pin).
Two 5-1/2-inch lengths of Type VII Nylon webbing (figure 2, item 9) sewn into upper edge of pack
tray (each with tuck tab and easy open snap) for use with sizing channels on T-11R harness.
Horizontal back-strap retainer (two) with pull-dot snap assemblies (figure 2, item 10).
Horizontal back-strap keeper (figure 2, item 11).
0002 00-6