Chapter 1 GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATION FOR MC-6 PERSONNEL PARCHUTE SYSTEMSCOPEDESTRUCTION OF ARMY MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USE -829920016PREPARATION FOR STORAGE AND SHIPMENT -829920017LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS - continued -829920018EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES AND FEATURES -829920019EQUIPMENT DATA MC-6 MAIN PARACHUTE -continuedEQUIPMENT DATA T-11R RESERVE - continuedUNIVERSAL STATIC LINE SNAP HOOK (1)Figure 1. MC-6 Main Parachute Components.Pack Tray AssemblyFigure 2. Pack Tray Assembly.Harness Assembly -829920026Figure 3. Harness Assembly and Nomenclature.Figure 4. MC-6 Riser Assembly and Nomenclature.Figure 5. Deployment Bag.Figure 6. Universal Static Line with Curved Pin.LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS FOR THE T-11RFigure 7. T-11R Parachute.Figure 9. Frangible Skirt Assist Lines At High Speed.Figure 10. Ejector Spring.Figure 12. Ripcord Handle (Underside).Figure 14. Reserve Pack Tray.Figure 16. Extractor Cap.GeneralAt low speedChapter 2 UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR MC-6 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEMOVERVIEWSERVICE UPON RECEIPT -829920045Marking ParachutesFigure 2. Reattaching Connector Links.Figure 4. Tracing Lower Control Lines Down To Risers.Figure 6. Marking Control Line at 282 Inches.Figure 8. Tying First Two Overhand Knots.Figure 10. Forming Slip Loop on Log Record Outside.Figure 12. Routing Lacing Loose End Through Log Record Centerfold.Figure 14. Inside Front Cover.Figure 15. Inside Back Cover.Figure 17. Unit and Direct Support Repair and Inspection Data.Figure 18. Note Page.Reserve ripcord grip pull test.CONDUCT TEST -829920058Conduct a 27-pound maximum ripcord pull testEJECTOR SPRING ASSEMBLY TEST FOR THE T-11RFigure 19. Spring Compression Test Tube.RECEIPT OF USED PARACHUTE -829920062ASSEMBLING THE MAIN CANOPY ASSEMBLYFigure 1. Pack tray and Harness. -829920064Figure 3. Route Small Tuck Tab, Close Snap Fastener, and Snap Fastener Secured.Figure 4. Locating Canopy Release Assembly, Removing Operating Lug, and Passing Soft Loop Through the Gronmet.Figure 5. Opening the Canopy Release Cover PlateFigure 6. Orienting the Yellow Lanyard.Figure 8. Forming a Girth Hitch with the Yellow Lanyard.Figure 9. Laying Out Risers and Harness, Risers and Harness, and Assembling Risers and Harness.Figure 10. Passing Lug Through Small Loop, Inserting Lug into Jaws, Locking Loop in Place, and Lug Properly SeatedFigure 11. Inserting the Short and Long Tuck Tabs Behind the CRA.Figure 12. Attaching Retainer Bands, Retainer Bands On Static Line Stow Bars, and Retainer Bands Attatched to Static Line Stow BarsFigure 13. Routing the Main Closing Loop, Closing Loop Under The Protective Cover, Main ClosingFigure 15. Passing Loop End of USL Through Buffer Loop.Figure 16. Securing Static Line to D-bag.Figure 19. Passing Top of Snap Hook Through Loop End of Static Line.Figure 21. Passing Loop of Static Line Through Buffer Loop on USL Extension.Figure 23. Making Girth Hitch Securing USL Extension to Static Line.ASSEMBLING THE RESERVE CANOPY ASSEMBLYFigure 2. Assembling the Ejector Spring.Figure 3. Attaching Extractor Vent Bridle Lines.Figure 4. Attaching Reserve Risers To Reserve Canopy.Figure 6. Riser Connector Links.Figure 7. Suspension Line Groups.Figure 9. Attaching Reserve Risers to Reserve Canopy.Attach Skirt Hesitator LinesFigure 11. Attaching Skirt Hesitator Lines.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS), INTRODUCTIONDROP TESTING CRITERIAPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) -829920093Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for MC-6.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for MC-6 continued. -829920095Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for MC-6 continued. -829920096Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for MC-6 continued. -829920097Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for MC-6 continued. -829920098Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for MC-6 continued. -829920099Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for MC-6 continued. -829920100Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for MC-6 continued. -829920101Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for MC-6 continued. -829920102SHAKEOUT AND AIRING SERVICEFigure 2. Grasping Two Consecutive Suspension Lines and Shaking First Gore.Figure 4. S-Folding Suspension Lines into Aviator's Kit Bag.CLEANING AND DRYING SERVICECleaning fabric items with a solution of hand dishwashing compound -829920108Rinsing parachute assembly immersed in fresh-water -829920109MAIN CANOPY INSPECTIn-process Rigger Checks- MC-6 Main ParachuteTechnical/Rigger-Type Inspection Procedures -829920113IN-STORAGE INSPECTION -829920114EQUIPMENT DISPOSITION cont'dRESERVE CANOPY INSPECTIn-process Rigger Checks Reserve ParachuteTechnical/Rigger-Type Inspection Procedures -829920119IN-STORAGE INSPECTION -829920120EQUIPMENT DISPOSITION -829920121MC-6 SYSTEM TESTRinsing Parachute Assembly Immersed in Fresh-Water -829920124Acidity Test -829920125MAIN PARACHUTE PACKING PROCEDURESFigure 1. Rigger's Position. -829920128Figure 2. Attaching Canopy To Packing Table Apex Hook.Figure 3. Removing Skirt Inversions.Figure 4. Removing An Inversion Through Skirt.Figure 5. Removing Turns/ Tangles/ Twists From Suspension Lines.Figure 6. Lifting Lines from other Lines.Figure 8. Pulling Risers Through Opening.Figure 10. Ensuring the Control Lines are Routed to the Inside of the Risers.Figure 11. Dividing Suspension Lines into Left and Right Groups, and Checking for Proper Layout.Figure 12. Laying Out Pack Tray and Harness; Opening Canopy Release Assembly Cover Plate.Figure 13. Laying Out Risers with Smooth Side Up, Routing Large Ring of Upper Main Lift Web through Large Riser Ring, Rotating Large Ring of Upper Main Lift Web.Figure 14. Inserting Lug into Jaws of Riser Release, Ensuring Lug is Fully Seated, Closing Canopy Release Cover, and Checking Position of Tug of Lug.CHECK CONTROL LINES AND ENSURE PROPER ROUTINGFigure 17. Checking Suspension Lines for Proper Layout.Figure 18. Aligning the Upper Lateral Band and Folding the Gores.Figure 20. Folding the Gores (continued)Figure 21. Folding the Gores (continued)Figure 22. Folding the Gores (continued)Figure 24. Separating the Canopy.Figure 26. Dressing the Extended Gores.Figure 27. Dressing the Control LinesFigure 29. Checking the Air Channel.Figure 31. Tracing the Control Lines to the Risers.Figure 33. Rotate Riser and Reposition Connector Link on Tension Bar.Figure 35. Pulling Remaining Slack of Control Line.Figure 37. Folding Edges over Suspension Lines/Radial Seam.Figure 39. Final Long-folding Steps.Figure 41. Securing Main Canopy Bridle Loop To Static Line Buffer Loop.Figure 43. Stowing the Canopy (continued).Figure 45. Closing Deployment Bag and Stowing Suspension Lines.Figure 47. Closing Deployment Bag and Stowing Suspension Lines (continued).Figure 49. Making the First Regular Stow.Figure 50. Making the Second Regular Stow.Figure 51. Continuing to Alternate Stows.Figure 53. Tying Connector Links and Suspension Line Protective Cover.Close the Pack TrayFigure 56. Closing the Pack Tray (continued)Figure 58. Closing the Pack Tray (continued).Figure 60. Closing the Pack Tray (continued).Figure 61. Closing the Pack Tray (continued).STOWING THE 15-FOOT STATIC LINE (SEE NEXT SECTION FOR 20-FOOT STATIC LINE)Figure 64. Continuing the Static Line Stows.STOWING THE 20-FOOT STATIC LINE (SEE PREVIOUS SECTION FOR 15-FOOT STATIC LINE)Figure 66. Folding the Harness.Figure 67. Folding the Harness (continued).Figure 68. Folding the Harness (continued).RESERVE PARACHUTE PACKING PROCEDURESPREPARING THE T-11R PERSONNEL PARACHUTE FOR PACKINGFigure 1. Rigger's Position. -829920177Figure 2. Prepare Ejector Spring.Figure 3. Passing Apex-packing Loop Through All Apex Loops.Figure 5. Laying Out the Canopy.Figure 6. Inspecting the Risers.Figure 7. Partially S-folding the Risers into Pack Tray.Figure 8. Ensuring Suspension Lines are Free from Twists and Tangles.Figure 9. Folding Gores.Figure 10. Placing Suspension Lines in Line Separator.Figure 11. Tying the Apex Scoops.Figure 12. Securing Loop Ends.Figure 14. Folding Canopy at Lower Lateral Band.Figure 16. Dressing Left and Right Scoops.Figure 18. S-Folding Left and Right Side on top of the Folded Top Scoop.Figure 20. Making Two Remaining Riser Stows.Figure 21. Making First Regular Stow.Figure 23. Forming Bight and Placing Retainer Band.Figure 25. Making a Stow with Suspension Line Bight and Small Retainer Band.Figure 27. Removing the Packing Loop.Figure 28. Pulling the Hookup Lanyard through the Apex Loops.Figure 30. Placing Canopy into Pack Tray.Figure 31. Making First S-fold.Figure 33. Making Two Intermediate S-folds.Figure 35. Forming a Bridge Over Top of Ejector Spring.Figure 36. S-folding Remaining Canopy.Figure 38. Carrying Out Line Check.Figure 40. Folding the Extractor Canopy into Thirds.Figure 42. Placing Extractor on Top of Apex Area.Figure 44. Centering Extractor on Top of Folded Canopy.Figure 45. Placing the Extractor Cap over Extractor.Figure 46. Placing Lower Pull Up Cord Through Lower Grommet.Figure 47. Inserting Temporary Pin.FigureFigure 50. Using T-bar To Close Pack Tray and Inserting Temporary Pin.Figure 51. Inserting Second Temporary Pin (continued).Figure 53. Inserting Lower-Curved Pin Through Closing Loop.Figure 55. Inserting Left Tuck Tab Into Left Tuck Tab Pocket.CONDUCT TEST -829920214Figure 57. Completing Log Record.GENERAL PARACHUTE REPAIRTable 1. Recommended Sewing Machine Code Symbols.Table 2. Stitching and Restitching Specifications. -829920219Table 2. Stitching and Restitching Specifications. -829920220Figure 1. Machine Darning.Figure 2. Hand Darning.Figure 3. Straight Cut Or Tear Stitching.Table 3. Mending Cloth Patching Specifications.Figure 5. Sewn Patch.Figure 6. Parachute Mending Cloth Patch.REPAIR - continued -829920227REPAIR - continued Figure 7. Canopy Repair.Figure 8. Irregular Shape Patch Including Two Radials.Figure 9. Rectangular Patch Including Radial Seam.Figure 10. Rectangular Patch Including a Radial Seam and a Cross SeamFigure 12. Rectangular Patch Including Skirt Band.Figure 13. Rectangular Patch Including Radial Seam and Skirt Band.MAIN CANOPY GORE, EXTENDED GORE AND SECTION REPLACEMENTFigure 15. Gore, Extended Gore Section Replacement.SEARING AND WAXING REPAIRMARKING AND RESTENCILLING REPAIRREMARKING AND RESTENCILING -829920240MAIN CANOPY VENT LOOP REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Main Canopy Vent Loop.MAIN CANOPY VENT LINES REPAIR, REPLACEREPLACE -829920244MAIN CANOPY VENT LOOP CENTERING LINE REPLACEREPLACE - continued -829920246MAIN CANOPY VENT BAND REPAIRDamage Extending into Radial SeamsMAIN CANOPY CROSS SEAM REPAIRREPAIR - continued -829920250MAIN CANOPY RADIAL SEAM REPAIRMAIN CANOPY REINFORCING TAPE REPAIRMAIN CANOPY ATTACHMENT LOOP REPLACEFigure 1. Placement of New Attachment Loop.MAIN CANOPY GORE SECTIONS REPAIRMAIN CANOPY FORWARD EXTENDED GORE ASSEMBLY REPLACEFigure 1. Identifying a Left and Right Extended Gore Assembly. -829920260Figure 4. Aligning New Extended Gore with Open Gore.REPLACE continued -829920262MAIN CANOPY AFT EXTENDED GORE ASSEMBLY REPLACEFigure 1. Identifying a Left and Right Extended Gore Assembly. -829920264Figure 2. Marking All Four Corners and brake slot opening of Extended Gore.REPLACE continued -829920266MAIN CANOPY MESH PANEL ASSEMBLY REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 3. Verify Repair Is Functional. -829920268Figure 4. Replace Damaged Mesh Panel. -829920269MAIN CANOPY LOWER CONTROL LINE REPLACE Figure 1. Control Line Assembly.Figure 2. Ensuring Lower Control Lines are Free and Clear.Figure 4. Inserting Scale Hook-end into Girth Hitch.OFigure 6. Routing Control Line Through Channel, Guide Ring, and Toggle.MAIN CANOPY MIDDLE AND UPPER LEFT/RIGHT AFT CONTROL LINE ASSEMBLY REPLACE Table 1. Control Line Routing Chart. -829920278Figure 1. Left Aft Control Line System.Figure 2. Right Aft Control Line Assembly.Attach Middle Control Line Assembly (figure 1, item 42) -829920281Upper Short Control Line (figure 2, item 44) -829920282Attach Lower Control Line (figure 2, item 40)MAIN CANOPY MIDDLE AND UPPER LEFT/RIGHT FORWARD CONTROL LINE ASSEMBLY REPLACETable 1. Control Line Routing Chart. -829920286Figure 1. Left Forward Control Line System.Figure 2. Right Forward Control Line Assembly.Attach Middle Control Line Assembly (figure 1, item 42) -829920289Upper Short Control Line (figure 2, item 44) -829920290Remove Lower Control Line (figure 1, item 40)MAIN CANOPY CONTROL LINE LIMITER LOOP REPLACEFigure 1. Replace a Damaged Control Line Limiter Loop.MAIN CANOPY SUSPENSION LINE REPLACEMAIN CANOPY CONTROL TOGGLE REPLACEFigure 2. Tying First Two Overhand Knots.MAIN CANOPY ANTI-INVERSION NET REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Repair Horizontal and Vertical Net Cords.Figure 2. Repair of Broken Net Cord.Figure 3. Damaged Areas in the Bottom Cord.REPAIR - continued -829920303Figure 5. Cut Out New Section so Ends may be Sewn Together.MAIN CANOPY SKIRT BAND REPAIRREPAIR - continued -829920306REPAIR - continued -829920307MAIN CANOPY CONNECTOR LINK REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Connector Links.MAIN RISERS REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Main Risers.Replace Riser AssembliesConduct a continuity checkREPLACE - continued -829920315LOG RECORD BOOK POCKET REPAIR, REPLACEMAIN RISER GUIDE CHANNELS REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Main Riser Control Line Guide Channel.MAIN PACK TRAY REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Lay Pack Tray On Pack Table.Figure 3. Remove Diagonal Back Straps.Figure 5. Attach Harness To Pack Tray.Figure 7. Secure The Horizontal Back Strap.Figure 9. Close Snap Fastener And Secure.MAIN PACK TRAY CLOSING LOOP REPALCEFigure 1. Routing the Main Closing Loop, Closing Loop Under The Protective Cover, Main ClosingMAIN PACK TRAY CLOSING PIN COVER REPLACEMAIN PACK TRAY STIFFENER GROMMETS REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Main Pack Tray.MAIN PACK TRAY SNAP FASTENER REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Hand-held Method.Figure 2. Hand or Foot Operated Press Method.Figure 1. Pack tray and Harness. -829920337Figure 2. Removing Horizontal Back Strap and Diagonal Back Straps.Figure 4. Securing Horizontal Back Strap and Attaching Diagonal Back Straps.Figure 5. Route Small Tuck Tab, Close Snap Fastener, and Snap Fastener Secured.HARNESS DIAGONAL GUIDE REPLACEREPLACE - continued -829920342HARNESS HIP PAD REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Replacing the Hip Pad.HARNESS LEFT UPPER MAIN LIFT WEB REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 2. Replacing Harness Left Upper Main Lift Web (continued).REPLACE continued -829920347Figure 4. Replacing Harness Left Upper Main Lift Web (continued).Figure 6. Replacing Harness Left Upper Main Lift Web (continued).Figure 8. Replacing Harness Left Upper Main Lift Web (continued).HARNESS RIGHT UPPER MAIN LIFT WEB REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 2. Replacing Harness Right Upper Main Lift Web (continued).Figure 3. Replacing Harness Right Upper Main Lift Web (continued).Figure 4. Replacing Harness Right Upper Main Lift Web (continued).Figure 6. Replacing Harness Right Upper Main Lift Web (continued).Figure 8. Replacing Harness Right Upper Main Lift Web (continued).HARNESS SADDLE ASSEMBLY REPAIR, REPLACE Figure 2. Replacing the Saddle Assembly (continued).Figure 4. Replacing the Saddle Assembly (continued).Figure 6. Replacing the Saddle Assembly (continued).Figure 8. Replacing the Saddle Assembly (continued).HARNESS FABRIC LOOP 3-RING RELEASE REPLACEFigure 2. Remove The Locking Key.Figure 4. Pass Soft Loop Through The Grommet.HARNESS LOCKING LUG REPLACEFigure 2. Locate And Remove The Locking lug.Figure 3. Install Locking lug.HARNESS RELEASE SAFETY COVER REPLACEFigure 1. Harness Canopy Release Safety Cover.HARNESS SHOULDER PAD ASSEMBLY REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Harness Shoulder Pad.RESERVE CANOPY REPAIRPatch Reserve Canopy FabricRESERVE CANOPY SUSPENSION LINE REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Attaching New Suspension Line To Attaching Loop.RESERVE EXTRACTOR ASSEMBLY RESPECT, REPLACEFigure 1. Remove Cord From Apex Extractor Attaching Loop (continued).Figure 2. Attach Reserve Extractor Chute.RESERVE EJECTOR SPRING ASSEMBLY REPAIR, TEST, REPLACEFigure 1. Spring Compression Test Tube.RESERVE CANOPY GORE SECTIONS REPAIRRestitchingRESERVE CANOPY GORE SECTION #6 MESH PANEL ASSEMBLY REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 3. Verify Repair Is Functional. -829920388Figure 4. Replace Damaged Mesh Panel. -829920389RESERVE CANOPY SKIRT HESITATOR TIES REPLACEFigure 1. Install Skirt Hesitator Ties.RESERVE CANOPY SCOOP REPAIRRESERVE CANOPY APEX VENT BRIDLE LOOP REPAIR, REPLACEReplace Apex Vent Bridle Loop cont'dRESERVE CANOPY SUSPENSION LINE ATTACHING LOOP REPAIRRESERVE CANOPY CONNECTOR LINKS REPLACEFigure 2. Replacing Connector Links. Figure 3. Install Risers.RESERVE CANOPY PROTECTION CAP INSPECT, REPLACERESERVE CANOPY RIPCORD PULL TESTConduct a 14-pound Minimum Ripcord Pull Test as Follows:TEST - continued -829920407RESERVE RISERS REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Remove Tacking.Figure 2. Secure Apex To Top Of Packing Loop.Figure 4. Attach Appropriate Riser to Appropriate Connector Link.Figure 6. Tighten Barrel Nut On Connector Links.Figure 7. Tack Risers.Figure 9. Attach the Reserve Pack Tray to the Reserve Canopy Risers.RESERVE HOOK AND PILE FASTENER TAPE REPAIR,REPLACERESERVE PACK TRAY ASSEMBLY REPAIR, REPLACERepair the Reserve Pack TrayFigure 2. Attach The Reserve Pack Tray To The Reserve Canopy Risers.RESERVE PACK TRAY EDGE BINDING REPAIRRESERVE PACK TRAY GROMMETS SIZE NO. 0 REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Reserve Pack Tray Grommet Size No. 0.RESERVE PACK TRAY ELASTIC RISER STOW BARS REPAIR, REPLACEREPLACE - continued -829920428Replace Lower Elastic Riser Stow BarRESERVE PACK TRAY WAISTBAND LOOPS REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 1. Reserve Pack Tray Waistband Loops.RESERVE PACK TRAY FASTENER TAPE HOOK INSPECT, REPAIR, REPLACERESERVE PACK TRAY STIFFENER REPLACERESERVE PACK TRAY RIPCORD ASSEMBLY REPLACE, TESTTest PreparationConduct Test -829920439TEST - continued -829920440MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG INSPECT REPAIRMAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG SIDE FLAPS REPLACEMAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG SUSPENSION LINE STOW LOOPS REPAIR, REPLACEREPLACE - continued -829920446MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG LOCKING STOW LOOP REPAIRMAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG TIE DOWN LOOP REPLACEFigure 1. Replace Suspension Line Protector Cover Tie-Down Loop.Figure 1. Remove The Unserviceable Portion Of The Static Line.Figure 2. Position The Deployment Bag With The Stow Loops Facing Up.Figure 4. Secure Static Line To Deployment Bag.Figure 7. Pass Top Of Snap Hook Through Static Line Loop.Figure 9. Pass The 3-Inch Loop On The Static Line, Through The 2-Inch Buffer Loop.Figure 11. Girth Hitch Securing The 5-Foot Extension To Static Line.CHAPTER 3 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR MC-6 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEMGENERAL REPAIR PROCEDURESBASTING AND TEMPORARY TACKING -829920460Table 1. Sewing Machine Code Symbols continued.MAIN CANOPY VENT LINE RERPAIR, REPLACEREPLACE - continued -829920464MAIN CANOPY REINFORCING TAPE REPLACEMAIN CANOPY GORE PANEL SECTIONS REPLACEReplace Main Canopy Gore Sections cont'dFigure 1. Gore Panel Sections.MAIN CANOPY SUSPENSION LINE ATTACHING LOOP REPAIR, REPLACEFigure 2. Suspension Line Attaching Loop Marking Diagram.Figure 3. Suspension Line Loop Dimensional Information.Figure 4. Suspension Line Loop Sewing Detail.PREPARATION FOR STORAGESTORAGE SPECIFICS FOR PARACHUTES -829920476PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENTFigure 1. Folding Of Gore Groups Completed.Figure 3. Accordion Folding The Canopy.Figure 5. Rigger Rolling.Figure 6. Roll The Canopy Tightly Toward The Canopy Skirt.Figure 8. Secure Rolled Canopy Assembly Within Pack Tray.CHAPTER 4 SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR MC-6 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEMREFERENCES -829920485Air Force Technical OrdersMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC), INTRODUCTIONMaintenance Functions cont'dExplanation of Columns in the MAC -829920489Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment RequirementsMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) -829920491able 1. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART for MC-6 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEMCHANNELS, GUIDEASSEMBLY, SADDLECAP, PROTECTIONSUSPENSION LINE -829920496Table 2. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT for M6-6 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEMRipcord Inspection KitTable 3. REMARKS for MC-6 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEMREPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (RPSTL), INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS LIST AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST WORK PACKAGESMaintenance Code -829920503Third PositionRecoverability Code -829920505EXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGES FORMAT AND COLUMNSHOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTS -829920507MC-6 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEM REPAIR PARTS LISTFigure 1. MC-6 Personnel Parachute System (Sheet 2 of 2).GROUP 00 MC-6 PERSONNEL PARACHUTE SYSTEMMAIN COPY REPAIR PARTS LISTGROUP 01 MAIN CANOPYMAIN RISERS REPAIR PARTS LISTGROUP 02 MAIN RISERSMAIN PACK TRAY REPAIR PARTS LISTGROUP 03 MAIN PACK TRAYHARNESS ASSEMBLY REPAIR PARTS LISTGROUP 04 HARNESS ASSEMBLYFigure 6. T-11R Parachute AssemblyGROUP 05 RESERVE CANOPYRESERVE RISER REPAIR PARTS LIST GROUP 06 RESERVE RISERFigure 8. T-11R Pack TrayGROUP 07 RESERVE PACK TRAY ASSEMBLYMAIN DEPLOYMENT BAG REPAIR PARTS LISTGROUP 08 MAIN DEPLOYMENT BAGGROUP 99 BULK MATERIALS LISTEXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LISTTable 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. -829920548Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List. -829920549TOOL IDENTIFICATION LIST -829920551Table 1. Tool Identification List. -829920552Table 1. Tool Identification List. -829920553NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER (NSN) INDEX -829920555PART NUMBER (P/N) INDEXPART NUMBER (P/N) INDEX cont'dILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMSFigure 1. Anti-inversion Net Presser Foot.Figure 2. Viewing Slot.Figure 3. Fabricating 32-pound Weight.Figure 4. Fabricating 32-pound Weight (continued).Figure 6. Control Toggle.Figure 7. Reserve Ripcord Pull Handle Cuff.TM-10-1670-327-23-P MC-6 Personnel Parachute System NSN 1670-01-527-7537 Manual