TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0002 00
Reserve Canopy. The T-11R (figure 7, item 1) is a derivative of the proven aero conical design, this
being an extended skirt multiconic canopy. The T-11R has been adapted for use with the MC-6. Designed
to open rapidly with a minimum post inflation collapse, the T-11R features minimum altitude loss. The
designed shape resists malfunctions, such as a line over and, in its event, tends to release the line. The
risk of air stealing by a malfunctioned main parachute is reduced as the T-11R, with its short system
length, flies with its hem even with the hem of the main parachute. Tests have proven this to be highly
successful with the reserve controlling the descent even with a fully inflated main parachute.
The T-11R also features a novel and advanced deployment and inflation acceleration system. These have
been designed to give the maximum permitted opening load at the maximum permitted speed, thus
minimizing altitude loss to a safe total speed.
The T-11R is constructed to be as lightweight as possible. This not only reduces the inconvenience to the
paratrooper but also enhances his/her payload to weight ratio. The lightweight construction is also
necessary to allow the reserve to align with the airflow at lower speeds. In the case of a low speed
malfunction, such as some main canopy damage, the reserve will rise and inflate faster.
Scoops, Apex Ties. The scoops (figure 7, item 2) are formed by four downward pockets constructed
around the apex of the parachute. The gores of the reserve between the pockets are fitted with small
loops, which are drawn together with a weak break tie during packing. The scoops thus formed, when they
are inflated, are also too large to get inside the line cone of the malfunctioned main parachute.
The apex vent of the reserve parachute is also closed during packing using a break tie. This minimizes the
through flow of air during opening and promotes the fastest possible opening at slow speeds. During high-
speed openings the ties yield and allow the vent (figure 7, item 3) to perform normally, thus reducing
excessively hard openings under high-speed deployment conditions.
0002 00-13