CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-5-4220-201-120010Figure 1-1. Type B-7 parachutist, underarm, life preserver.Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use - TM-5-4220-201-120012Carbon Dioxide Cylinder.Figure 1-2. Type B-7 underarm life preserver, front viewFigure 1-3. Type B-7 underarm life preserver, side view.Figure 1-4. Inflated flotation cells.Figure 1-5. CO, cylinder, deflated flotation cells, and container.Chapter 2. OPERATING PROCEDURESInflating the Life PreserverFigure 2-1. Type B-7 underarm life preserver, rear view.Figure 2-2. Attaching shoulder strap to right container strap.Figure 2-3. Fastening waist strap.Figure 2-4. Type B-7 life preserver with parachute harness, front view.Figure 2-5. Type B-7 life preserver with parachute harness, side view.Deflating the life PreserverFigure 2-7. Mouth inflation valve.Inflating the Life Preserver (Cont)Chapter 3. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPreventive Maintenance Checks and ServiceTable 3-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesSection II. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESChapter 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-5-4220-201-120032Inspection Procedure (90-120-Day Inspection)Inspection Procedure (90-120-Day Inspection) (Cont) - TM-5-4220-201-120034Inspection Procedure (90-120-Day Inspection) (Cont) - TM-5-4220-201-120035Section II. REPAIR PARTS, SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTMaintenance SuppliesTable 4 -1. Maintenance SuppliesTable 4 -1. Maintenance Supplies (Continued)Section III. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESSection IV. MAINTENANCE OF LIFE PRESERVERTable 4-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-5-4220-201-120042Table 4-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-5-4220-201-120043Cleaning and Servicing the life PreserverContainerFigure 4-2. Container flaps secured with threadSection V. PACKING PROCEDURESPacking ProceduresFigure 4-3. Inserting CO2, cylinder into cylinder valve.Figure 4-4. Mouth inflation valve secured in retaining sleeveFigure 4-5. Flotation cell attached to container.Figure 4-6. Securing container bottom f flapsFigure 4-7. Securing container top flaps.Chapter 5. DESTRUCTION OF TYPE B-7 LIFE PRESERVER TO PREVENT ENEMY USEAppendix A: REFERENCES - TM-5-4220-201-120055Appendix B: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-4220-201-120056Maintenance Functions, Column (3).Maintenance Functions, Column (3). (Cont)Explanation of Columns in Section IVSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-5-4220-201-120060Section IV. REMARKS - TM-5-4220-201-120061TM-5-4220-201-12 Life Preserver Underarm Parachutist Type B-7 Coinflated FSN 4220- 657-2197 Manual