TM 9-1370-201-12
Section I. GENERAL
not include accidents and incidents resulting from
1-1. Scope
negligence, malpractice, or implication in other
situations such as vehicle accidents or fires. However,
This manual provides the user with operating
malfunctions do include abnormal or premature function
instructions and organizational maintenance procedures
of pyrotechnic items during normal handling,
for parachute aircraft flare Mk 45 Mod 0 (DODIC L473),
maintenance, storage, transportation, and tactical
parachute aircraft flare Mk 45 Mod 0 with adapter
(DODIC L424), and flare dispenser XM19.
(3) If a malfunction involving this material
1-2. Forms, Records and Reports
occurs, firing of the affected lot will be halted
The commanding officer or senior
individual in charge of the unit will immediately contact
a. Forms.
Maintenance forms, records, and
the officer under whose supervision the ammunition for
reports which are to be used by maintenance personnel
the unit involved is maintained or issued and will report
at all maintenance levels are listed in and prescribed by
all available facts concerning the malfunction.
TM 38-750.
b. Field Report of Accidents. Accidents involving
1-3. Recommendation for Maintenance Publications
injury to personnel or damage to materiel will be
reported on DA Form 285 (Accident Report) in
accordance with AR 385-40.
You can help to improve this manual by calling attention
c. Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment.
to errors and by recommending improvements. Your
letter or DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
unsatisfactory condition because of deficiencies in
Publications and Blank Forms) should be mailed direct
preservation, packaging, marking, loading, storage, or
to Commander, Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN: SARPA-AD-
handling will be reported on DD Form 6 (Report of
M-F, Dover, NJ 07801. A reply will be furnished direct
Packaging and Handling Deficiencies) in accordance
to you.
with AR 700-58. Reports of improper shipment or
damage caused by transportation discrepancies will be
1-4. Destruction of Ammunition to Prevent Enemy
reported on SF 361 in accordance with AR 55-38.
Army activities will be reported as prescribed in AR 75-
abandonment will be undertaken by the user only when,
in the judgment of the unit commander concerned, such
(2) A malfunction is the failure of a
action is necessary in accordance with orders of, or
pyrotechnic item to function in accordance with the
policy established by, the Army commander. (Refer to
expected performance when fired, or when explosive
TM 750-244-5-1.)
components function during a nonfunctional test. A
critical malfunction is one which may cause a hazard in
the circumstances described above. Malfunctions do