TM 9-1370-201-12
Mk 45 Mod 0 with adapter. The characteristics of the
(1) The dispenser consists of a dispenser
assembly and a jettison assembly, including a test set
for XM19, a firing panel, a cable, and tiedown hardware.
Table 1-3. Characteristics of Flare Dispenser XM19
designed to accommodate 24 flares in an upright
position. It has an extendable snout for launching, a
Overall, with snout retracted ............................81 in.
channel-shaped stainless steel base tray, and an
Overall, with snout extended .......................... 118 in.
overhead track for holding and guiding the flares. The
Width .....................................................................16 in.
extruded aluminum frame consists of side supports with
Height ....................................................................46 in.
loading and dispensing gates. The overhead track,
which conforms to the channel pattern of the base tray,
Dispenser........................................................ 230 lb
consists of two parallel guides. The guides are spaced
Jettison assembly .......................................80 lb
so that the flare pull cable assembly can slide in
Dispenser assembly.................................. 150 lb
between, while the disk in the pull cable assembly rides
Full flare load (24 flares) ................................. 672 lb
on top of the guides. The snout, which is at the
Dispenser (with 24 flares)................................ 902 lb
dispensing end of the overhead track, is extended when
Pneumatic System:
dispensing flares and is retracted during storage,
Nitrogen cylinder (filled) ............................. 2,500 psi
Weight of nitrogen ...........................................0.2 lb
gate at the other end of the overhead track is held in
place by a latch. The dispensing gate is a bar located at
Length ............................................................ 6 feet
the intersection of the overhead track.
Diameter ............................................................1 in.
includes a track plate with rails on either side. The
b. Description.
dispenser assembly rides on rollers which fit into the
rails. Mounting points are located on the track plate to
match the tiedown fittings on the
Figure 1-4. Dispenser assembly of flare dispenser XM19.