TM 9-1370-202-12
1-1. Scope
(2) Malfunctions involving standard issue
These instructions provide operator and organizational
items. The procedure in AR 75-1 will be followed in
maintenance for Flare Mk24.
This flare provides
reporting malfunctions which occur during the following:
(a) Training and combat missions.
fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft.
(b) Tests (including comparison, safety,
climatic, reliability, etc.) conducted subsequent to the
1-2. Forms, Records and Reports
acceptance test.
a. General.
Commanding Officers of units
d. Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment.
Damaged or improper shipments will be reported
preparation of records and reports.
For reporting
immediately to the forward supply unit (FSU),
purposes, ammunition is identified by lot numbers,
ammunition supply point (ASP) or depot from which the
standard nomenclature, etc.
flares were issued.
b. Field Reports of Accidents. Accidents involving
e. Fire Reports. As prescribed by AR 385-12, DA
injury to personnel or damage to materiel are reported
Form 5-2 will be used to report fires or explosions
on DA Form 285 or DA Form 1051, in accordance with
followed by fire. DA Form 5-2 will be submitted in
instructions in AR 385-40.
addition to the accident reports required by AR 385-40.
c. Malfunction Reports.
f. Reporting
Improvements. Reporting of errors, omissions, and
(1) Definition of a malfunction. A malfunction
recommendations. for improving this publication by the
is a failure of the flare to perform as expected when
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
armed or launched.
For reporting purposes,
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
malfunctions do not include accidents and fires resulting
to Publications) and forwarded direct to the
from negligence, malpractice and the like. However,
Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN:
malfunctions do include abnormal or premature
SMUPA-DC5, Dover, N.J. 07801.
functioning' which occur during normal handling,
maintenance, storage, transportation, and tactical