TM 9-1370-202-12
flares for local storage. Assure that weather cap has
moist desiccant bag, rusted swaging sleeves, key ring,
been taped in place before repacking.
etc. Replace weather cap on unserviceable flares and
repack for return to depot or ASP. Continue inspection
of serviceable flares.
b. Inspect auxiliary equipment as follows:
(3) With weather cap removed, inspect dial
(1) Check suspension bands for rust or
area for loose or missing thumbscrew. If loose, assure
damage which would preclude normal assembly of flare.
that setting dials are on SAFE and tighten thumbscrew.
If missing, replace with thumbscrew obtained from
(2) Check safety lanyards for moisture,
previous mission.
rusting of swaging sleeve and disconnect, torn plastic
bag, and damage which would preclude normal use.
(4) Inspect Mods 2A, 3 and 4 for presence of
(3) Check static lines for fraying, damage or
safety pin. If pin is missing, install safety pin obtained
other conditions which would render item unserviceable.
from previous mission.
(4) On completion of inspection, dispose of
(5) Inspect outer case for dents, cracks,
unserviceable auxiliary items locally.
corrosion and other damage or conditions which would
(5) Replace serviceable items in either
render flare unserviceable. Repack unserviceable flares
original or locally available containers and mark to
and return to depot or ASP.
indicate contents.
(6) On completion of inspection, repack