TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
material is subject to ultraviolet
2-7. Shop Layout Details.
degradation by sunlight and some
a. General. Because of the serious consequences
types of artificial lighting. Efforts
that could result if unserviceable airdrop equipment is
will be made to avoid exposing
placed into use, it is imperative that shop facilities be
laid out and operated in a manner which will insure that
airdrop items made of nylon,
airdrop equipment is afforded systematic care and
handling at all times.
Layout of a shop will be
the open or near windows, doors,
accomplished in accordance with FM 10-8. To produce
and skylights. Additional efforts will
a controlled environment within a shop will require the
be made to avoid prolonged
use of air conditioning, evaporative cooling, and a
exposure of the cited airdrop
mechanical ventilation system which will be installed in
equipment over inspection lights or
accordance with AR 420-54.
under fluorescent lights.
It is
b. Maintenance Activity Separation. To preclude
recommended that parachutes be
the mixing of serviceable and unserviceable airdrop
covered during periods of inactivity.
equipment, the packing activity will be physically
a. A shop will be well lighted, with special attention
separated from the repair activity. If the two activities
directed to the adequacy of overhead lights. The
cannot be housed within separate buildings, a
lighting in shadow tables will be maintained in an
separation will be effected by use of mesh wire or other
operable condition at all times.
suitable type partitioning material. Packed parachutes
b. Maintenance tables (inspection, packing, and
ready for issue will be physically stored separately.
repair) and packing tools will be cleaned before use. In
Within each activity, storage and work areas will be
addition, tables and tools will be maintained free of
designated to insure that the segregation of serviceable
sharp edges and splinters.
equipment and equipment to be inspected is maintained
c. Insure shop floors are kept free of oil, grease,
at all times. When an airdrop item is considered
and dirt.
unserviceable, the item will be tagged in accordance
d. Smoking, eating, and refreshment drinking will
with TB 750-126 and removed to an area which has
be permitted in designated areas other than work areas.
been designated for unserviceable equipment. The
unserviceable equipment area will contain a physical
barrier to prevent serviceable equipment from being
2-9. Tools and Equipment.
The maintenance of airdrop equipment requires the
use of certain tools and devices which, in some cases.
will be available through supply channels and in other
2-8. Operating Procedures.
instances, necessitate local fabrication. Except for
Procedures which are used in the limited storage of air
unique situations, the following tool and equipment
delivery equipment also apply to air delivery items
criteria will generally apply to the maintenance of
located in a packing or repair activity. In addition. the
airdrop items.
following procedures "will be exercised and strictly
a. Special Tools and Equipment. Any special tools
adhered to.
or devices which may be required to perform
maintenance will be specified in the Repair Parts and
Jewelry items such as watches,
Special Tools List (RPSTL) of the technical manual
rings, and identification bracelets
pertinent to the particular airdrop equipment.
may damage canopy cloth if worn
during the packing or maintenance
of a parachute canopy.
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