TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
Equipment that is uneconomically reparable
b. Common Tools and Equipment. Common tools
(outdated) will be condemned. Disposition of airdrop
and equipment required to perform maintenance on
equipment that is condemned, unserviceable, or for
airdrop equipment will be listed and authorized in the
which the serviceability is questionable, will be
applicable TOE or TA of the using unit or maintenance
accomplished using the following procedures, as
c. Field Expedients.
a. Item Requiring Repair or Modification.
(1) Vent hook. A vent hook is a fabricated
airdrop item which requires repair or modification will be
device used during the packing of small cargo
tagged in accordance with TB 750-126. Subsequent
parachutes and personnel parachutes to secure the
work on the item will be performed at the maintenance
applicable parachute canopy sent to the packing table.
level specified for the maintenance function in the
A suitable type webbing length and snap will be used in
applicable supporting technical publication.
the construction of a vent hook.
b. Personnel Parachutes and Air Delivery
(2) Stationary post. A stationary post is a
Equipment with Exhausted Age or Service Life. Any
fabricated item used as a stable attaching point for the
parachute component or air delivery equipment whose
bridle loop of a large cargo parachute when applying
age or service life has expired as specified in TB 43-
tension to the parachute canopy. To construct a
0002-4 will be removed from service, condemned and
stationary post will require a suitable length of metal
tagged as prescribed by TB 750-126.
pipe or wooden stake to be firmly anchored in the
c. Disposition of Fatality Parachutes and
surface of the packing area.
Condemned Air Delivery Equipment.
(3) Tension device. A tension device used to
parachutes that have been involved in a parachute jump
apply tension during the packing of a large cargo
fatality will be condemned and tagged as prescribed by
parachute canopy may be improvised through the use of
TB 750-126. Parachutes and equipment involved in a
a suitable type motor vehicle or a pulley system
fatality will be retained until engineering studies and
employing rope or webbing straps.
investigations have been completed. When a fatality
(4) Shakeout tower. A shakeout tower may
parachute is no longer needed, it will be destroyed by
be erected locally by placing long poles vertically in the
burning or mutilation with appropriate destruction
ground and assembling pulleys, ropes, and suitable type
certification completed for documentation of supply
attaching devices for use in the raising and lowering of
records. Condemned equipment, other than fatality
parachute canopies. Other similar type improvisation
parachutes, will be removed from. service and disposed
may be used to achieve a suitable means of
of in accordance with current directives listed in
accomplishing parachute canopy shakeout.
d. Rejected Equipment. Equipment which, prior to
When poles are used, each pole will
use, is deemed unserviceable for use will be reported in
be wrapped with a suitable type
an Equipment Improvement Recommendation (EIR) in
material to prevent snagging of
accordance with TM 38-750, as authorized by AR 750-1.
Each applicable item which is defective will be held and
(5) Searing device. A searing device used to
safeguarded pending receipt of disposition instructions
sear the raw ends of nylon cord, tape, or webbing may
from the National Maintenance Point (NMP). In all
be devised by improvising with any suitable type heat-
instances, EIR exhibit material will be handled as
emitting item.
prescribed in TM 38-750.
If the quality or the
2-10. Equipment Disposition.
serviceability of an item is questionable, clarification and
Airdrop equipment may be rendered unserviceable by
assistance may be obtained by contacting Commander,
either normal fair wear or by aging and will subsequently
US Army Troop Support and Aviation Materiel
be repaired, modified, or condemned, as appropriate.
Readiness Command, ATTN: DRSTS-MT, 4300
Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri 63120.
e. Equipment of Doubtful Serviceability
Change 4