TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
2-12. General.
(2) Immediately before equipment is packed -
Airdrop equipment will be inspected at prescribed
or rigged for use in airdrop operations.
intervals to ascertain individual item serviceability. The
(3) Before and after repairs or modifications
types of inspection that are normally performed on
are made.
airdrop equipment are technical / rigger-type, pack-in-
(4) At any other time as deemed necessary
process, routine, and in-storage. In some instances,
by the airdrop equipment maintenance officer.
other technical inspections may be accomplished on an
b. Inspection Function Requirement. Normally, a
"as required" basis.
technical/rigger-type inspection will be performed by
a. During any inspection or at any time that an
airdrop equipment maintenance personnel at a packing,
item is found to be overage (shelf/service life has
rigging, or repair activity. The inspection of initial
expired) as specified in TB 43-0002-4, the item will be
receipt items will be performed as a separate function
removed from service, condemned, and tagged IAW TB
from packing or rigging operations.
When the
inspection is conducted at a packing or rigging activity,
b. To conserve time and labor and avoid
the item to be inspected will be placed in proper layout
evacuation to a direct support maintenance activity,
on packing table or suitable sized floor area. Should
unit/detachment commanders may designate in writing
defect or damage be discovered at any point during the
rigger personnel to accomplish classification inspection
inspection, the inspection will be terminated and the
of overaged air delivery equipment.
applicable item will be processed and forwarded to a
2-13. Technical/Rigger-type Inspection.
repair activity. The repair activity in turn, will conduct a
A technical / rigger-type inspection is a complete and
technical / riggertype inspection that will be performed
thorough inspection of an individual airdrop item,
by only those parachute rigger personnel cited in AR
including associated parts and components.
750-32. The repair activity inspection of personnel
following criteria cites the specifics applicable to
parachutes will be made on a shadow table. Any defect
accomplishing a technical / rigger-type inspection which
discovered during an organizational level repair activity
will be performed by a qualified parachute rigger in
inspection which exceeds the capability of that activity
accordance with AR 750-32.
will require the affected item to be evacuated to a direct
a. Inspection Intervals.
support maintenance function for further determination
of economic repair and repair accomplishment,
(1) Upon initial receipt of procured equipment
issued to a using unit by a supply source.
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