TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
plungers for spring action. If the operating button turns
(5) Repeat the procedure in (4) above on
too hard or too easily, remove the locking wire, adjust
each of the remaining three straps. If any one of the
the locking pin retainer adjusting screw, as required, and
four lugs separates from the quick release during
reinstall the locking w ire.
application of the pull-test, the parachute harness and
the quick release shall be rejected, removed from
(4) While the release is in the locked position,
service, and disposed of entirely. Upon completion of
place the release on a table with the operating button
the pull-test, remove the quick release from the vise. A
facing up. Join both hands together, and using the palm
quick release that satisfactorily complete the pull-test
of one hand, attempt to depress the release operating
will be marked by painting the head of the installed
button by gradually applying 80 to 85 pounds of
release adjusting screw with black enamel paint, using a
pressure. If the operating button can be depressed, the
suitable type paint applicator.
release shall be removed from service.
(5) Insert the safety clip into the quick release
Separation of a lug from a quick
at a point under the red warning mark on the right side
release indicates that the defect is a
of the release. Insure the safety clip can be inserted
combination of an oversize chamfer
and extracted without hindrance.
edge on the underside of the harness
lug and excessive top chamfer edge
The procedure in (5) above shall be
on the inside of the plungers of the
included when performing the quick
quick release.
release functional check during a
b. Quick Release Operational Test.
technical/ rigger-type inspection.
accomplish the quick release operational test, place the
(6) Inspect the quick release to insure that
release in one hand with the locking pin retainer (fig. 2-
three body spacers are in the proper position in the slot
2) facing to the left and perform the following
of the release body. Further insure that the beveled
faces of all the release locking plungers face away from
the center of the release. A quick release which is not
properly assembled shall be rejected for use until
All references to direction (right, left,
corrective reassembly action has been performed.
clockwise, counterclockwise) are
presented as rigger's view when
2-19. Testing a Canopy Release Assembly.
facing the front of the quick release
Each canopy release assembly on applicable type
operating button.
(1) Using the free hand, turn the release
except the NB-8 back), will be tested at each repack and
operating button one-quarter turn clockwise; the red
whenever a harness or riser is replaced. Assembly
warning mark located on the button edge should then
procedures for a canopy release with subsequent testing
face toward the operator.
methods are as follows:
a. Check the latch for the presence of the red
If the red warning mark on the button
warning mark. If the mark has become worn, repaint
edge is deteriorating, repaint the
with red enamel according to procedures in paragraph 3-
(2) Depress the release operating button and
b. Operate the safety clip and latch to insure the
check the three base plate screws for possible
movement of both parts is smooth and without binding.
c. Fit the heel of the riser male fitting into the slot
button. The release operating button should remain in
the depressed position. The three locking plungers
of the harness female fitting (A, fig. 2-7). If the engage-
should be depressed into the body of the release and
ment of the two fittings is unsatisfactory, apply the
the stationary plunger should be in the locked position.
following test:
(3) Turn the release operating button one
quarter turn counterclockwise and check the locking
Change 3