TM 10-1670-201-23
T.O. 13C-1-41
NAVAIR 13-1-17
a. Pull test.
c. Using the color chart on the side of the roll
Failure to rotate the release
dispenser, compare the color of the moistened paper
with the pH 1-3 color scale. If the color of the paper
operating button to the unlocked
changes to orange or red, acid is present in the material.
position prior to placing the quick re-
When it has been ascertained that the material of an
lease into a vise for testing may
item contains acid, the item will be condemned and
allow damage to be incurred upon
processed for disposition in accordance with paragraph
the center post camway. As a result,
the operating button could then be
d. After a packing paddle has been used as
manually depressed while in the
outlined in paragraphs a. and b. above, thoroughly
locked position.
rinse and dry the paddle before using the paddle for any
(1) Assemble the harness lugs to the quick
other function.
release. install the safety clip (fig. 2-31,. and rotate the
2-18. Testing the Personnel Parachute Harness and
release operating button to the unlocked position.
Quick Release.
Individual personnel parachute harnesses and quick
releases (fig. 2-2) which are components of the T-10.
and model MC1-1 personnel
parachutes. will be tested upon receipt of new items.
exchange of items within a unit or depot, disassembly of
items for cleaning, replacement, or whenever there is an
indication that a harness or quick release may be
defective. Testing of a harness and quick release will
be performed as follows:
Figure 2-3. Parachute harness tugs assembled on
quick release and safety clip installed
(2) Using a 3- to 4-inch vise, place a suitable
type soft metal (A, fig. 2-4) or plywood 1 protector plate
over each of the vise jaws. The plates shall be used to
prevent subsequent damage to the quick release
operating button.
Figure 2-2. The personnel parachute harness quick
Change 1