TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0028 00
0028 00-11
14. Cone Flap Stiffener (T-10R).
a. If tacking holding cone flap stiffener is damaged, replace tacking as follows:
Cut and remove damaged tacking at one point.
Pass a tacking needle threaded with doubled and waxed ticket no. 6 nylon thread up
through lower reinforcement panel, stiffener hole, and main panel, allowing 2-inches for
thread ends on the inside of pack flap.
Pass needle down through main reinforcement panel on the outside of the stiffener.
Pass needle up through lower reinforcement panel, and main panel.
Pass needle down through main panel on opposite side of step (3), above, and lower
reinforcement panel.
Tie free ends of thread together with a surgeons knot and locking knot against main panel.
Trim thread ends to within 1-inch of knots.
Retack at other point by following steps, (1) through (6), above.
b. Replace a damaged cone or flap stiffener with a serviceable item from stock. Proceed as follows:
Cut and remove tacking from damaged stiffener.
Cut row of stitching along lower side of lower reinforcement panel. Cut half of row stitching
along each end of panel, starting at each lower corner of panel and continuing to centerline
of panel.
Position new pack stiffener between lower reinforcement panel and main panel. Replace all
stitching removed in step (2), above, following original construction, using a medium-duty
sewing machine, and size E nylon thread, 7 to 11 stitches per inch. Retack pack stiffener,
following procedures as outlined in step a., above.