TM 10-1670-269-23&P
0028 00
0028 00-7
8. Log Record Pocket. If stitching in a log record becomes loose or frayed, replace as follows:
Remove the damaged pocket by removing the one row of stitching that attaches the pocket to
the pack. Fabricate the new log record pocket, using 7.25-ounce nylon duck and size E nylon
thread. Cut a piece of nylon cloth 4 ¾-inches by 4 ¼-inches and make a fold of 1-inch with a 3/8-
inch fold under. Stitch with one row of size E nylon thread and 7 to 11 stitches per inch, as
shown below. Fold the two sides and bottom of the pocket 3/8-inch, and stitch with size E nylon
thread, 7 to 11 stitches per inch, locking the stitch ½-inch on each end.