TM 10-1670-272-23&P 0011 00
0011 00-48
c. After making the static line stows described in step a., above, stow the running end of the static
line as follows:
(1) Double the remaining static line length and rotate the doubled length one-quarter turn
(2) Connect the static line snap hook to the left-side retainer band keeper.
(3) Pass the folded end of the static line through the static line slack retainer (at the pack upper
end), under the stowed line (toward the pack lower end), and draw the doubled line taut.
(4) Insert the static line folded-end under the pack lower-end flap.
2. Stowing the USL 15-foot static line configuration.
Install the necessary number of rubber bands, on the left and right
outer and inner static line retainer band keepers, with a girth hitch.
Static line stows are secured with two turns of a rubber band. The
end of each stow must not be longer than 2-inches from the rubber
band. Ensure static line is not twisted.