ARMY TM 10-1670-276-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-29-2
Procedures Provides a brief description of the procedure by which the checks are to be performed.
Recording Defects. All defects discovered during the Inspection will be recorded using the applicable
specifics in DA Pamphlet 738-750, TB 750-126, and TB 43-0002-43.
Overage Items. During any inspection or at any time that an item is found to be overage (shelf/service life
has expired as specified in TB 43-0002-43), the Item will be removed from service, condemned and tagged in
accordance with TB 750-126.
Conservation of Resources. To conserve time and labor, and to avoid evacuation to an Intermediate
maintenance activity, unit/detachment commanders may designate, in writing, rigger personnel to accomplish
classification inspection of overage air delivery equipment.
Inspection Function Requirement. Normally, a technical/rigger-type inspection will be performed by air
delivery equipment maintenance personnel at a packing, rigging, or repair activity. The inspection of initial receipt
items will be performed as a separate function from packing or rigging activity, the item to be inspected will be
placed In proper layout on packing surface or suitable sized floor area. Should defect or damage be discovered at
any point during the inspection, the inspection will be terminated and the applicable item will be processed and
forwarded to repair activity. The repair activity, in turn, will conduct a technical/rigger-type inspection that will be
performed by only those parachute rigger personnel cited In AR 750-32 .Any detect discovered during a unit level
repair activity Inspection which exceeds the capability of that activity will require the affected item to be evacuated
to an intermediate maintenance function for further determination of economic repair and repair accomplishment,
if applicable.
Parachutes which are deemed unserviceable by a packing or rigging activity will be
rigger-rolled prior to being sent to a repair activity.