ARMY TM 10-1670-276-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-29-2
Figure 2-53. Suspension Line Splicing Details.
Replacement of suspension lines is accomplished at the Intermediate (DS) Maintenance
level only, in accordance with the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC), Appendix B.
b. Replacement Replace unserviceable suspension line by fabricating as follows.
(1) Place canopy assembly in proper layout on inspection table
(2) Apply partial tension to suspension lines and trace defective suspension line from the riser to suspension line
attaching loop at canopy skirt. Upon completion of line tracing, release line tension.
(3) Remove original suspension line from canopy and applicable riser by cutting formed loop located on each end of
suspension line.
(4) Cut a 27-foot length of coreless nylon cord and taper-cut each end.
(5) Using a suitable marking aid, mark the cord at points 4-1/2, 6-1/2, and 11 inches from one tapered end (figure 2-
(6) Pass 5 3/4 inches of marked cord through original suspension line attaching loop on canopy skirt.
(7) Insert a suitable splicing aid into the cord casing at 11-inch mark and work spicing aid up through cord casing and
to outside at the 6 1/2-inch mark (figure 2-55).
(8) Insert cord tapered end into eye of the splicing aid.
(9) Pull spicing aid and cord tapered end down inside cord casing until 4 1/2- and 6 1/2-inch marks are alined (figure
(10) Hold alined marks together, pull splicing aid and cord tapered end down and to outside at 11-inch mark.