TM 10-1670-277-23&P 0010 00
0010 00-2
5. After third rinse, allow equipment to drain thoroughly. Upon completion of draining, dry equipment in
accordance with the DRYING FABRIC ITEMS procedures detailed above.
6. When dried, perform a technical/rigger-type inspection of item(s). Corroded metal components, or
corrosion-stained fabrics or suspension lines will be either repaired or replaced as prescribed by the
MAC, WPs 0056 00 and WP 0057 00.
7. If recovered equipment is a parachute, record immersion, rinsing, and any repairs in individual parachute
log record as detailed in WP 0003 00 (SERVICE UPON RECEIPT).
Equipment Immersed in Fresh-Water. Any airdrop equipment that has been immersed in a fresh-water
lake, river or stream will not require rinsing unless it has been ascertained that the water is dirty, oily or
otherwise contaminated. Procedures for handling a fresh-water immersed parachute are as follows:
1. Contaminated fresh-water. If the airdrop equipment has been immersed in contaminated fresh-water,
rinse, dry and, if applicable, repair the item(s) using the procedures in paragraph f above.
2. Uncontaminated fresh-water. If airdrop equipment has been immersed in uncontaminated fresh-water,
item(s) will be cleaned and dried as outlined in this paragraph. Minor discoloration of fabric items
resulting from immersion in uncontaminated fresh-water may occur. No attempt should be made to
eliminate a minor discoloration, as a slight discoloring is preferable to employing vigorous techniques that
may damage fabric.