ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
(4) Cut a length of coreless nylon cord 24-inches longer than distance from canopy to connector link. Taper-
cut one end (figure 2-46).
(5) Using a suitable marking aid, mark cord at points 6-, 9-, and 15-inches from tapered end (figure 246).
Figure 2-46. Replacement Suspension Line Construction Details.
(6) Pass 7 1/2 Inches of tapered cord end through original suspension line attaching loop.
(7) Insert a splicing aid through cord casing at 15-inch mark and pass inserted aid up through cord casing
and to outside at the 9-inch mark.
(8) Insert cord tapered end into eye of splicing aid.
(9) Pull splicing aid and cord tapered end down inside cord casing until 6 and 9-inch marks are alined (figure
(10) Hold alined marks together, pull splicing aid and cord tapered end down and to outside at 15-inch mark.
(11) Remove cord tapered end from splicing aid and while holding 6 and 9-inch marks together, pull cord at
a point below 11-inch mark to allow cord tapered end to withdraw into cord casing.
(12) Beginning at a point as close as possible to alined 6 and 9-inch marks. Use a zig-zag sewing machine
and size E thread, secure formed loop by stitching a 1/8-inch wide, 3 inch long row of stitching.
Stitching will be 7 to 11 stitches per inch.
(13) Hold attaching loop of an adjacent suspension line and attaching loop of replacement line together
tightly at canopy skirt and while lines are under equal tension, trace the length of both lines from
attaching loops to the applicable connector link assembly.
(14) Using a marking aid of contrasting color, mark replacement line length at a point alined with inside edge
of link assembly. Reapply equal tension to both line lengths and check to insure replacement line
length is marked correctly. Release tension.