ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
2-31. Suspension Line (cont).
Figure 2-47. Securing Suspension Line at Suspension Line Attaching Loop.
(15) Cut and remove lower end of original suspension line from connector link assembly and note original
(16) Cut running end of replacement line at a point 7-inches beyond 6-inch mark made in (14) above.
Taper-cut 1/2-inch of remaining line end.
(17) Using an authorized marking aid of contrasting color, mark line length at points 6-, 8-, and 14-inches
from the tapered running end (figure 2-46).
(18) Pass 7-inches of line through connector link in original line location. Suspension lines shall be attached
to riser in numerical sequence (figure 2-48).
(19) Insert a splicing aid through cord casing at the 14-inch mark and pass inserted aid down through cord
casing and to outside at the 8-inch mark.
(20) Insert cord tapered end into eye of splicing aid.