ARMY TM 10-1670-278-23&P
AIR FORCE T.O. 13C5-26-2
Deployment Bag Grommet (cont).
Figure 2-52. Fabricating Grommet Reinforcement.
b. Replacement. Proceed as follows:
(1) Remove original grommet as follows:
(a) Using a suitable type tool, lift edge of original washer at one point.
(b) Grip lifted washer edge with diagonal cutters and roll washer edge back to lift washer from original
grommet. Remove original grommet from material.
(2) Grommet installation by hand-held method (figure 2-53).
(a) Insert barrel of replacement grommet through accommodating hole in material and ensure grommet
flange is located on same side of material as original grommet.
(b) Position grommet on die with barrel facing up and place the washer over grommet barrel.
When installing a flat grommet by the hand-held method, ensure the grommet
barrel and washer are alined to preclude off-center setting of the grommet.
(c) Using a punch and a rawhide mallet or other non-steel impact device, spread grommet barrel by
hammering until barrel collar is rolled down smooth on washer. If grommet barrel splits during
hammering process, remove and replace installed grommet with a serviceable item from stock,
repeating procedures in steps (2) and (3), above.