TM 10-1670-280-23&P 0012 00
0012 00-19
g. Using 2-inch pressure sensitive adhesive tape, tape the shackle, vent line loop and center line loop
so that no metal parts, splice ends or rough webbing ends are exposed.
If any portion of the center line attachment at the screw pin clevis and
vent line apex falls at, or below, the lower lateral band of the canopy,
then the center line is too short. The center line must be replaced with a
center line having a minimum length of 97-feet, 0-inches.
h. One packer will pull the center line free end toward the risers, one of the other packers will guide the
canopy vent, keeping it in the air channel between lines 1 and 120, ensuring that the canopy material
does not become disarranged while the canopy vent is being pulled toward the canopy skirt.
Remove the right suspension riser from the large suspension clevis and place the center line free end
on the clevis.
Using masking tape, secure the risers together at a point immediately above the attaching loop.
k. Using a suitable marking aid, mark each riser (riser 1, 5, 9) and centerline for identification purposes
Rigger check number 2.