TM 10-1670-280-23&P 0012 00
0012 00-23
Remove the taped webbing length from the webbing strap and cut the webbing into two equal
lengths with 6 connector links on each length.
Rotate connector links inboard and tie the connector link assemblies together with the webbing
Secure the ties with a surgeons knot and a locking knot.
Trim tie ends to 2-inches.
Cut two lengths of kraft paper, 14-inches by 28-inches.
Wrap each group of connector links with two turns single of the kraft paper.
Secure the kraft paper with one turn single of thread ticket No. 8/4, cotton orange on each side
of the connector links.
(10) Secure ties with a surgeons knot and locking knot.
(11) Trim tie ends to two-inches.
d. Suspension riser.
Beginning at a point 5-feet below the connector link assemblies and at 10-foot inverals
thereafter, tie the suspension risers and center line together using one turn single, ticket No. 8/4
cotton orange thread at each point. Make the last tie at a point 5-feet above the suspension
clevis attaching loops.