TM 10-1670-292-23&P 0011 00
0011 00-53
2. Make entries on the JUMP, INSPECTION AND REPACK DATA page, as follows:
a. Date. Enter the day, month and year of each packing action.
b. Bag Number. Entry made in the TYING CONNECTOR LINKS AND
SUSPENSION LINE PROTECTIVE COVER paragraph, step 5., above.
c. Routine inspection. No entry required.
d. Jumps or dropped. No entry required.
e. Repack. For initial packing, enter IN; thereafter, enter a checkmark in the column each time the
parachute is repacked.
Packers name. The packer performing the packing will sign this entry.
g. Inspectors name. The inspector who has performed the pack-in-process inspection will sign this
h. Unit. Enter the unit designation to which the packer and/or inspector is assigned.
3. Return the log record to the log record pocket upon completion of the entries. Packing is now
For units not using the USL, a standard 5-foot static line extension is required when jumping the CH-46
and CH-53 helicopters. The USL five-foot extension is required when jumping the C-17. The static line
extensions will be attached and stowed as follows: