TM 10-1670-292-23&P 0029 00
0029 00-5
a. Place the repairable item on a repair table, smooth the fabric around the damaged area, and
secure the item to the table with pushpins. Do no pin the damaged area.
b. Using an authorized marking aid of contrasting color, mark a square or rectangle around the area
to be patched.
c. Cut the damaged area of fabric along the lines made in step 2., above. Further cut the fabric
diagonally at each corner to allow a ½-inch fold-back in the raw edges.
d. Make a ½-inch fold-back on each raw edge. Pin and baste each fold-back to complete the
prepared hole.
e. Using the same type material as in the original construction (8.2oz., cotton, sateen cloth) mark
and cut a patch 2½-inches wider and longer than the inside measurements of the prepared hole.
Center the patch material over the prepared. Pin the patch material in position.
g. Make a ½-inch fold on each edge of the patch material and baste the patch to the prepared area.
h. Remove the pushpins securing the item to the repair table; secure the patch by stitching. Use a
light-duty sewing machine, size E, nylon thread, and 7 to 11 stitches per inch.
Turn the item over and make a second row of stitching around the prepared hole; use a light-duty
sewing machine, size E, nylon thread, and 7 to 11 stitches per inch.