TM 10-1670-292-23&P 0002 00
0002 00-4
Harness Assembly. The parachute is attached to the harness assembly, which secures the parachute to
the paratrooper before the jump and during the descent. The MC1-1C/MC1-1D parachute harness
assembly is equipped with one chest and two leg straps, and secured with quick-ejector snaps. The
female portion of the MC1-1C/MC1-1D canopy release has a cable loop-type release. There are three
ejector snap pads for the ejector snaps. There are two canopy release pads for the canopy release. The
MC1-1C/MC1-1D harness also has two D-rings and two equipment rings.
The troop harness assembly, equipped with equipment rings, will
replace the MC1-1C/MC1-1D parachute harness assembly through
attrition. Also, the nylon pack tray, with waistband located in the
lower position, will replace the cotton and nylon pack trays, with
waistband located in the center of the pack tray, through attrition.
During the transition period, numerous configurations may occur.
Interchangeability of components is permitted, provided shelf service
life and serviceability criteria are met.