TM 10-1670-293-23&P
0012 00
0012 00-10
Lay out the canopy with the damaged area exposed.
To facilitate the application of the mending cloth patch, place a ½- by 20- by 20-inch smooth
wooden board or similar smooth, hard-finished, rigid material (except paper board) under the
damaged area.
Trim the ragged, frayed, or severely burned areas of the canopy cloth to provide a smooth
area for patch application.
Using an authorized marking aid of contrasting color, mark a square, triangle, or rectangle,
as applicable, around the damaged area.
Measure and cut lengths of the mending cloth to achieve the shape and size of the intended
patch. Cut the patch to provide an overlap of the damaged area using the specifications in
Table 3, WP 0012 00. Round-off the corners of the patch. Patches will be prepared in
duplicate to allow for application on the inside and outside of the canopy.
Remove the paper backing from the adhesive side of the mending cloth by forming a crease;
score the paper with a fingernail, and peel the paper from the adhesive coating. Ensure the
mending cloth is not damaged when scoring the paper backing.
Smooth the canopy material adjacent to the damaged area on the canopy outside; place the
formed mending cloth patch over the damaged area.
Using the edge of a packing paddle (or a roller), apply pressure to smooth the patch on.
Apply the duplicate-shaped patch to the damaged area on the inside of the canopy, using the
procedures in steps (6) and (7), above. Stitch 1/16 -inch in from the outer edge of the patch
using details from Tables 1 and 2, WP 0012 00.
3. Applying a miscellaneous canopy patch. A miscellaneous canopy patch, which may be irregularly
shaped, is used to repair damaged canopy material when the location of the damaged area requires the
patch to extend into (or over) a seam, reinforcement, or lateral band. Ascertain the type of patch
required for the canopy, using the details in the illustrations (A through I) following the canopy patch
procedures detailed below. Apply a miscellaneous patch to a gore section as follows:
A canopy gore section that cannot be patched with a basic patch, as
outlined in paragraph 2., above, will be patched with a miscellaneous
Adhesive nylon parachute mending cloth will not be used in the
construction or application of a miscellaneous canopy patch.
a. Place the canopy inside-out on a repair table; smooth the fabric around the damaged area, and
secure the damaged gore section to the table with pushpins. Do not pin the damaged area of the
gore section.