TM 10-1670-293-23&P
0026 00
0026 00-12
Stitch the static line in place with a 4-inch static line stitch formation; use a heavy-duty sewing
machine, size 6, nylon thread, and 5 to 8 stitches per inch.
Fabricate and attach a new safety pin and lanyard in accordance with instructions listed in the
REPAIR procedures, above.
Remove an unserviceable deployment bag and replace it with a serviceable one from stock.
11. Standard static line extension.
a. Repair. Repair the static line extension safety pin and lanyard as follows:
Cut a 5-inch length of steel wire and construct a new safety pin as shown in WP 0054 00.
To prepare a new lanyard, cut a 20-inch length of nylon cord. Remove the core cord, tie an
overhand knot at each end, and sear both ends, as described in WP 0013 00 secure the cord to
the safety pin and the static line snap hook, as shown.
b. Replace. Remove the 5-foot-long static line extension from the 15-foot static line. Replace the
damaged safety pin or the lanyard, as described in the repair procedures detailed above. If the
extension is unserviceable because of frays, cuts, worn areas or other defects in the fabric that cannot
be repaired by restitching, replace the extension with a serviceable item from stock.
Deployment Bag