TM 10-1670-293-23&P
0028 00
9. Waistband end adjuster panel. Replace a damaged waistband adjuster panel by fabricating as
a. Cut the stitching that secures the original adjuster panel to the pack tray and remove the
unserviceable panel; remove the cut stitching. Ensure the pack tray material is not damaged
during the cutting process.
b. If the metal adapter on the original adjuster panel is serviceable, cut the panel webbing and
remove the adapter for further use. If the adapter is not considered serviceable, replace with a
serviceable item from cannibalization.
c. Cut a 16¼-inch length and a 5-inch length of 123/32-inch-wide, type VIII, green nylon webbing; sear
the ends of both lengths.
d. Pass the 16¼-inch length of webbing around the center bar of a serviceable adapter and align the
webbing ends. This length of material shall constitute the adjuster panel webbing.
0028 00-15
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