TM 10-1670-299-20&P
TO 14D1-2-470-2
NAVAIR 13-1-41
(12) Quick-Release Assembly and Snap Shackle. Replace damaged snap shackle, 1 inch webbing, single pull
handle, coated wire and swaging as follows:
(a) Shackle and loop assembly. Replace any damaged part of the shackle and loop assembly (1) as follows:
1 Cut stitching from webbing (2) and remove snap shackle (3), 1/2 inch tape (4) and Type III nylon loop
(5). Discard and replace damaged components. Replace 1/2 inch tape with 7 inch length of Type IV 1/2 inch nylon tape.
Replace nylon loop with 7 inch length of Type III nylon cord. Sew as shown using size 3 thread, 6 to 8 stitches per inch
and a type HD sewing machine.
2 Sew assembly to webbing with box x stitch as shown, using size 3 thread, 6 to 8 stitches per inch and
a type HD sewing machine.
(b) 1 inch Webbing. Replace damaged webbing (1) by shackle and loop assembly as in (a) 1 above. Set
assembly aside.
2 Cut stitching from pile fastener (6) and 1 inch webbing (1) on the release handle (7) and remove and
discard webbing. Replace with 12 1/2 inch length of nylon webbing.
3 Assemble webbing (1), snap shackle (3), 1/2 inch tape (4), and Type III nylon loop (5) on release
handle (7) as shown and using size 3 thread, 6 to 8 stitches per inch and a type HD sewing machine.
(c) Release Handle, coated wire and swaging.
1 Cut stitching on pile fastener (6) and webbing (1) on the release handle (7) and remove release
handle. Set aside pile fastener and webbing.