TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0005 00
Attach the replacement log record to the log record/inspection data pocket using the procedures
8. Reserve ripcord grip pull test.
The following ripcord grip pull test is performed upon initial receipt of a new MC-6 System,
a T-11R assembly, or a new T-11R ripcord handle. The T-11R will be completely packed
lAW WP 0016 00. The T-11R will be subjected to both a 14-pound minimum and 27-
pound maximum ripcord pull test.
a. Use of a locally fabricated handle cuff is required. Fabricate a fabric cuff IAW WP 0113 00.
To conduct the T-11R ripcord pull tests, the packed T-11R shall be face down on the top
of the packing cradle to allow the parachute to be deployed in a downward direction.
There must be sufficient clearance beneath the horizontally suspended T-11R to suspend
a weight from the ripcord handle and allow it to withdraw the ripcord pins from the soft
loops activating the parachute.
A suggested method to ensure sufficient clearance beneath the horizontally suspended T-
11R to conduct this test is to place two pack tables end to end with approximately 18-
inches between them. Place the packing cradle on top of the pack table centered over
the gap.
The pull force exerted upon the handle must be uniformly distributed along the length of
the handle. The handle cuff may be fabricated by using lightweight cotton duck material
cut to 4 inches by 6 inches in size with two 1/2-inch holes spaced evenly so they will be
below the handle when the material is folded in half around the handle.
0005 00-13