TM 10-1670-327-23&P
0016 00
Check that all skirt hesitator ties are secured. Replace skirt
hesitator ties every time parachute is packed.
If defects or damage are discovered during inspection of a parachute, the parachute must be rigger-rolled
and processed for maintenance in accordance with WP 0094 00.
1. Technical/Rigger-type inspection. Before each parachute is packed for air delivery, it must be given a
technical/rigger-type inspection by the packer. Refer to WP 0012 00 for inspection procedures.
2. Pack-in-process inspection. A designated supervisory rigger, other than the packer, must perform a
pack-in-process inspection. The inspection is performed to assure that the parachute is packed
according to authorized packing procedures. Refer to WP 0012 00 for inspection procedures.
Throughout this manual, all directions (right, left, upper, lower, top, bottom, clockwise, and
counterclockwise) are given from the rigger's point of view, as the rigger stands at the tension plate end of
the packing table, facing the apex-hook end of the table. All directions are indicated as the parachute is in
proper layout.
1. Top. That portion of the equipment that is farthest from the packing table surface.
2. Bottom. That portion of the equipment that is nearest to the packing table surface.
0016 00-2